Monday, September 8, 2008

Just How Shiny Is Chrome?

Been tinkering a lot with Google's new browser, Chrome, over the last few days. It's pretty impressive in a variety of ways. It seems to be faster on a three-year-old computer than Explorer or Firefox, and the interface is unobtrusive so the page you're viewing appears bigger and more open on the screen. That's nice.

There are also interesting features like being able to surf anonymously (you can visit this blog and no one ever has to know), which is also a perk that comes with the new Explorer 8. And Chrome lets you do interesting things in conjunction with Google's growing list of online resources.

It's a serious competitor to established browsers, and if you're into web design, you've gotta start looking at how your pages work with Chrome.

Now--here's an irony. Chrome's still in beta, so maybe this will be resolved, but if you try to post to a Blogger-driven blog in chrome, it's a crapshoot as to what your finished post will look like. Fonts change for no reason. There are boxes that appear from nowhere. Colors don't always match what you select.

That's got to be a little embarassing for the folks at Googleplex.

But since Chrome is open source and there are scores of geeks already at work on tweaks, let's see where it goes. And we invite you to share your takes on Chrome with other members of the communications community. Weigh in by clicking the comment link below.


Velvis said...
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Velvis said...

"Sign up to get news about development for Mac" is the best Google can do for me now.