Monday, May 18, 2009

Traditional Media Conquer a Non-Traditional World

Join AAF-Knoxville for a panel discussion on how traditional media are adapting to new competition from non-traditional sources, and how they're finding new revenue streams, new ways of communicating - and new audiences. Panelists include:

Ed Brantley

Citadel Broadcasting

Bruce Hartmann

KNS Media Group

David Jernigan

Lamar Advertising

Jeff Lee


Moderator Katie Granju

Knoxville Social Media Association

Thursday, May 28

Peerless Steak House

11:30-12:00 Networking - 12:00-1:00 Panel Discussion

$20 for AAF members - $25 for non-members

RSVP by May 25 to Karen Taylor: email or 742-4838

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